Orbicular granites are characterized by having large, concentrically layered, spheroidal to subspheroidal masses with radiating crystals. The rounded masses are called orbs, or orbicles. Shown below are samples of a Precambrian orbicular granodiorite from Western Australia.
The matrix is granodiorite (K-feldspar, plagioclase feldspar, quartz, mafic mineral(s)), and the orbicles are composed of plagioclase feldspars, hornblende amphibole, and biotite mica.
This material is mid-Neoarchean in age (2.687 billion years old) and comes from a quarry in the vicinity of Warroan Hill, a little west of Boogardie, west of Mt. Magnet & east-northeast of Geraldton, in the western part of Western Australia.